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Da Vinci

Sindon CER21

Inspirado tanto por hebras tejidas de la tela como por el efecto de concreto vertido, Sindon es uno de los tres azulejos de la colección Da Vinci que combinan diseños sutiles con tonalidades suaves para crear un perfecto trasfondo en cualquier interior. Una base de carbón cálido con motas de negro, gris y blanco hacen a Sidon una excelente elección para espacios comerciales donde se desea un piso oscuro sin que la dureza de un azulejo negro liso pueda traer.

Los amplios biselados de Da Vinci acentúan el contorno rectangular de estos azulejos al momento en que la luz cae a través de ellos.

  • 24 Design strips available

Más información

Karndean Designflooring offers commercial project specifiers one of the most flexible range of design options in the contract flooring market.

Each flooring range has a variety of 3mm and 5mm design, feature and grout strips that can be used to replicate the grout of ceramic floor tiles or gaps between natural stone or wood flooring.

Design strips can also be used as borders around the edge of rooms, around key features such as reception desks and store payment zones or to edge walkways and corridors. Borders can be created as keylines, tramlines or combinations of different strip widths. Many of the 3mm and 5mm strips are also available in wider 10mm widths specifically for borders.

Add a design strip to your floor

Chocolate DS06

Carbon Cross Grain DS09

Graphite DS22

Silver DS17

Feather DS24

Charcoal DS16

Grey feature strip

Light brown feature strip

Concrete DS12

Chestnut AF07

Coffee DS04

Russet DS05

Vanilla DS01

Beige Feature strip