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Inspiring interior trends. Timeworn Treasures

Posted on the 3/01/2022 by Karndean Designflooring

Inviting, lived in and characterful, Timeworn Treasures

As the world slowly wakes to the "new normal", for many the idea of 'home' has changed forever.  Now more than ever, the home has become our sanctuary – a comforting and nurturing place to which we can safely retreat in an uncertain world. A place that helps us live a more natural, more authentic life and gives us inspiration for a better future. 

It is this impression that inspires the concept of Timeworn Treasures.

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Pinterest Product: LooseLay Originals LLT216 Utah 

Timeworn Treasures is an antidote to the fast pace and overstimulation of modern life along with its ever-changing fashions and endless consumer choices. With no compromise to comfort or style, timeworn treasures as a concept are a celebration of the imperfections and imperfect character of natural materials. 

Think raw-edged timbers and the organic textures of stone. Luxurious leathers and cosy lighting. Hand-crafted furniture, fabrics, ceramics and art. A colour palette built around the earthy and organic, noting browns continue their rise as a directional colour.

LLOG Timeworn Treasures wood 930 x 520.png

Pinterest Product: LooseLay Originals LLP109 Stamford 

Timeworn treasures are about bringing organic tones, textures and materials together in this new rustic-luxe trend that replaces the conventional cornerstones of luxury. Instead of polished minimalism and hard-edged lines, this artisanal design approach creates an environment that is relaxed, welcoming and 'slow' – encouraging a heightened appreciation for the organic, the crafted, the imperfect and the understated. 

Be cocooned, nurtured and inspired within the new luxury of Timeworn Treasures.

View our ranges of LVT flooring to complement your own take on Timeworn Treasures for your next interior project and be sure to visit our brand new Karndean ANZ Pinterest page for more interior inspiration.